We Can't Wait to Meet You

One of the best ways to get to know Kimball Union Academy is by experiencing our vibrant campus community. We invite you to visit us in person as seeing where you will live and learn helps bring into focus the full KUA experience.

Schedule a Visit

Contact the Office of Admission at 603-469-2100 to schedule your visit. Please complete our inquiry form before scheduling so we can learn a little more about you before your visit.

Arriving on Campus

We highly recommend arriving the night before your visit to explore the area, including nearby Hanover, home of Dartmouth College. The Hanover Inn and Six South Street Hotel offer Kimball Union discounts and places you in the heart of this quintessential New England town with restaurants and shops within walking distance.

As you plan your trip to campus, please note that we recommend you follow directions on Visiting KUA. On I-89, please take exit 16, 17, 18 or 20, as some navigation systems will direct you to a road that does not exist.

The Barnes Admission building is located at 64 Main Street, Meriden, New Hampshire. Visitor parking is at the top of the hill on Chellis Road. Barnes is the grey stone building with white pillars just two doors down from the parking lot.

What to Expect

List of 3 items.

  • Arrival

    You will arrive at Barnes Admission building and be greeted by a member of our Admission team who can answer any questions and help you get oriented in the Upper Valley. We invite you to take in the views from the top of campus while you get situated for your tour.
  • The Interview

    You will sit down with an Admission officer for an extended conversation. This is an opportunity for us get to know you beyond what we can read in your application. Tell us about your passions, your interests, and what you are looking for in your high school experience. This is also a time for you to ask any questions about our community that may not have been covered in the tour. For the interview, we ask that you dress comfortably, but do not wear jeans or sweatpants. We encourage you to leave your phone in the car.
  • The Tour

    Visiting families will enjoy a tour of our scenic campus led by either a student or member of the Admission team. You will get a peek inside classrooms, athletic facilities, Flickinger Arts Center, the Schafer Family Library, and Doe Dining Commons. This is a great chance to get a feel for the community. Feel free to ask the tough questions!

Contact Us

Office of Admission