Global Awareness as an Essential Skill

During last Thursday’s All School Meeting, Mr. Kardel presented to the community the first of nine competencies, which are essential skills that Kimball Union strives to instill in each of its graduates.  He outlined that each skill has a set of contributing qualities that, when combined, demonstrate mastery.  
Mr. Kardel introduced Global Awareness by stating the goals and objectives of this essential skill. For example, because of experiences and opportunities through the school’s courses and social programs, KUA graduates can:
                        understand and communicate in a second language
                        express an expanded world view by learning about a diversity of beliefs
                        explain global events from multiple perspectives
                        live productively and respectfully in a diverse cultural community
                        can steward the environment
Gavin ’17 followed with his Cullman Scholarship presentation about his trip to Cusco, Peru last summer. Thanks to a generous gift from a dedicated Alumnus, the Cullman Scholarships provide funding for students to travel the world to conduct research and service projects.
It was clear through his presentation that Gavin’s Cullman Scholarship experience was a great contributor to many, if not all, of the of the goals of Global Awareness, but perhaps the most apparent and striking was his ability to live productively in a diverse cultural community.  His anecdotes and tales of service to and with the people he encountered throughout his travels displayed great reverence and understanding for Peruvian culture.
“What we saw and what we built was a testament to the generosity and beauty with which these people live: from eating an offering of earth baked potatoes in the Mayrasco hills, to watching the sun set on the peak of Mt. Veronica deep in the Inca Heartland.”
Thank you, Gavin, for sharing your experience with the community and stay tuned more!