The Fall of the Wall

Deb Springhorn P '17, English & History Department Faculty
An interdisciplinary course examining global issues since the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Students research through the multiple lenses of contemporary history, literature, photography and philosophy which leads to a discovery of the complexities of the current global community. 

“While grasping the horrors we learned about in ‘The Fall of the Wall’ was extremely difficult and shattered my faith in the human race, it has made me an educated global citizen. Your class made me want to know and understand current events and helped me to do so . . . I now realize that change must occur and I must be part of it.” - Greta ’17 
The object of the course Greta mentioned above, Global Issues Since the Fall of the Wall, is to provide an interdisciplinary curriculum that focuses on the complexities of the current global community through the multiple lenses of contemporary history, literature, photography, and philosophy. The dynamic created by combining disciplines becomes more than the sum of its parts and helps to engender in students the disposition to be informed, interested, caring global citizens.
There are three units that correspond with the three trimesters in KUA’s calendar. When the Berlin Wall was dismantled in 1989, so too was the Cold War paradigm. The first trimester focuses on the New World [dis]Order illustrated by the nationalism, war, and genocide that erupted in the 1990s. The next paradigm shift occurred after 9/11, the event that begins the second unit. The focus in this unit is the intertwined story of Afghanistan, Pakistan, & Iraq. The Spring Trimester concentrates on the ongoing Israeli/Palestinian Conflict, the frustration of “The Arab Spring,” the civil/proxy war in Syria, and the continuing threats of ISIS.
Given the provocative subject matter of the course, compelling questions will be raised that will require research and analysis, while fostering a variety of information literacy and critical thinking skills. The multiple perspectives inherent in discussion of these topics will sharpen presentation, discussion, and leadership skills. Therefore, everything connected to this course, such as the reading materials, activities, assignments, and assessments, will all reflect “KUA’s appreciation of the importance to students of broad social awareness and understanding in an increasingly interconnected global society.” 
Despite its workload and rigor, 100% of last year’s students say they would recommend this course to fellow students.